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<h1><span style=”font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;”><span style=”font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Helvetica;”><br /><span style=”color: #882741;”>Fast-Acting Pain Relief, With Results That Last!</span></span></span><span style=”font-size: x-large; color: #77b46d;”> </span></h1>
<p>We are the experts in gentle pain and injury solutions. Our progressive and affordable techniques are sure to produce the results that you desire with your pain relief. The patient will undergo a complete physical exam, one on one with a skilled therapist who will listen, understand, and be quick in determining their needs. Even if you have tried other treatments and therapies, there is a program that we can offer, is right for you, and is proven to be the MOST effective for people suffering from: </p>
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<p>• <strong><a href=”?page_id=1831″>Shoulder Pain</a></strong><br /> • <strong><a href=”?page_id=1826″>Hand &amp; Wrist Pain</a></strong><br /> • <strong><a href=”?page_id=1903″>Hip &amp; Knee Pain</a></strong><br /> • <strong><a href=”?page_id=1855″>Jaw Pain</a></strong></p>
<p>• <strong><a href=”?page_id=1904″>Ankle &amp; Foot Pain</a></strong><br /> • <strong><a href=”?page_id=1842″>Elbow Pain</a></strong><br /> • <strong><a href=”?page_id=1905″>Head &amp; Neck Pain</a></strong><br /> • <strong><a href=”?page_id=1906″>Back Pain</a></strong></p>
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<h3><span style=”color: #882741;”><br />Benefits of Our Programs:</span></h3>
<p>1. Reduced pain<br /> 2. Start seeing immediate results<br /> 3. Learn how to avoid future problems<br /> 4. Live life more enjoyably<br /> 5. Return to a more active lifestyle<br /> 6. Sleep better<br /> 7. Increased flexibility &amp; movement<br /> 8. Improved core stability</p>
<td><img class=”alignright size-full wp-image-1424″ title=”physical therapy, physical therapist, west covina ca, best” src=”images/pain_relief.jpg” alt=”” /></td>
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<h1><span style=”color: #882741;”><a title=”home” href=”http://www.fitnfreept.com”><span style=”color: #882741;”>Physical Therapy In West Covina</span></a>, CA is Being Redefined!</span></h1>
<p>Revolutionary pain relief treatments that work immediately are available only at Fit N Free Physical Therapy. You will love that it is gentle and very affordable, whether you have insurance or not.</p>
<p><a title=”Physical Therapy in West Covina, CA” href=”http://fitnfreept.com/”>Physical Therapy in West Covina, CA</a> is not the same everywhere you go. The Fit N Free PT team is caring and compassionate yet we are the best at what we do. The programs being offered here by our licensed physical therapists range from pain relief to solutions for Neuropathy relief. You’ll find some of the best physical therapists West Covina has to offer, and you’ll find physical therapy services not being offered by other facilities. If you are looking for fast pain relief or to improve the quality of your life, we guarantee you will find the best physical therapists at our facility. Some of the reasons Fit N Free PT is unlike any other lies in our caring staff and revolutionary pain relief procedures. We truly are the experts in relieving pain and improving the quality of life for our patients. Call today and get a free screening to determine if we are the right place for you. </p>

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