David Hawkins |
Describe the essence of what you do in your role at IndeFree PT: I believe my overall function here at IndeFree Pain Center is to help assist and motivate the patients to look within themselves and want to get better. My responsibility is to help the physical therapist monitor and treat patients with different forms of treatment options as well as applying different pressure point release techniques.
What are some of your personal interests, outside of work? One of my personal interests is to write poems for annual events such as Mother’s Day, Pastor Appreciation Day, etc.. I also enjoy creating an atmosphere for my family to feel loved and appreciated with cards, banners or an occasional back massage to my wife.
What are some things you believe in? What is your favorite quote or words of wisdom? I believe in the quote that leadership starts and rises at the top. My focus is to present myself transparent before my audience so when I miss it I am not too prideful to admit my wrong.
What do you like most about working for IndeFree PT? The thing I like most about working here is that I can develop my leadership style to improve my patient care service and my interactions with my staff. It challenges me to look beyond the problem in front of me and start processing a solution to help fix the issue quickly and professionally.
What do you like most about caring for patients? I get to speak to their heart and unlock the healing potential within them so they can just have fun with their recovery.
Why did you choose a position in therapy? My choice of this amazing opportunity was such a blessing to me that it encourages me when I see patients returning to thank the team for an awesome job we did with them in their recovery. It’s a sense of honor and pride to know that this team makes a difference in the lives of our community.
What do you think patients like MOST about you? I think patients enjoy my soft direct approach that in the beginning they are concerned, but after an exchange of greetings they are reassured that they are in good hands. I believe the children and elderly are very comfortable around me as well and I believe they recover faster.
What do you think patients like MOST about IndeFree PT? I believe patients become comfortable and connected to our environment that they share their most intimate stories about how much better they feel after visiting several clinics until they found themselves in our paradise center. |